
Showing posts from September, 2018

Hadaan ahay maanta

Hadaan ahay maanta Mid aan helin guusha Hadaan ahay maanta Miskiin hurdi waaya Hadaan ahay maanta Halyeey dubjiraaya Hadaan ahay maanta Hanad aan waxba haynin Hadaan ahay maanta Midaan guri haysan Hadaan ahay maanta Midaan shaqo haynin Hadaan ahay maanta mideey nolol hiiftey Hadaan ahay maanta Midaan garab heysan Hadaan ahay maanta Doob hanfi qaadey Hadaan ahay maanta Hayaan nin u taagan Hadaan ahay maanta Miduu hadalkiisu Hawaawi tireeynin Hohey waxan hiigsan Halkuu barre gaarey amaan ka huleelo Aduun ka hoyaado Qabriga la igu hooyo Labadaa mid ahayna Wallee hanaqeeygu Hankeeygu ma yeelo                            Abdikafi Cirir                        September 13, 2018

Challenges and hardships

To face challenges and walk through struggles is one of the most crucial things in life.  We see allot of setbacks and hardships arriving to our life in every minute. We invited some of these hardships and setbacks in to ourselves and some of them are created in order to train us. If you read the stories of succesful people and find how their life was in the earlier years, you will be noticed that some of them were poor while some others were in the camps of humanitarian aid. Challenges began at the time we were born, and grew up with us and they will die with us. Challenges have allot of benefits than lack of any challenge, and these benefits include: In my first point , challenges make us strong and unbreakable. If we go back to our childhood years, we remember that everyone of us was facing some challenges such as learning the Quran karim, which was great obstacle to non-native Arabic speakers. We have been passed that obstacle now, and we quite able to understand the me...